thanks mr. colberg

Want to say “Thanks” to Joerg Colberg for his post of my work on his blog Conscientious! Take a minute and check out his blog, always a great place to see new work.

Thanks again Joerg.

anselm kiefer in the streets

I found this in the street:

found receipt(kiefer)

and it made me think of some landscapes by Anselm Kiefer.

Osiris und Isis - kieferDie sechste posaune - kiefer
melancholia - kiefer

One of the main differences of course being that my street kiefer is the size of a receipt and his actual paintings are monumental. Another difference being that while mine was made by a car tire, he intentionally includes materials like clay, lead, gold leaf, plants and seeds. Still I think Kiefer might smile at the little scrap I found.

I like Kiefer’s work quite a bit. I like how the work feels raw and immediate and the materials, while being simple come together in a way that renders them changed. In his work Kiefer deals with the relationship between heaven and earth often working symbolically. I also enjoy the visceral experience I have when I look at his work.

bon voyage mr. kellman

Ryan Kellman

Two days ago I drove my good friend Ryan Kellman to the San Francisco airport. Ryan is heading to Tirana, Albania on a Fulbright scholarship. He will be living there for ten to twelve months all the while photographing the city and his experiences. And I imagine that there will be some interesting times, according to the BBC:

Currently, the city suffers from the problems of overpopulation, such as waste management, lack of running water and electricity as well as extremely high levels of pollution from the 300,000 cars moving around the city. The problem is exacerbated by an aging infrastructure. Despite the problems, Tirana has also experienced a very rapid growth in the construction of new buildings, especially in the suburbs, where many of the new neighbourhoods do not yet have street names.

Congrats and Good Luck Ryan!

The First Post

The first post is always the hardest. I have had this blog ready to go for some time now thanks to my long time friend and new webmaster, Ben Kremer , but I have been putting off writing this entry. Maybe because I am not entirely sure what form my Blog will take. There are already plenty of people blogging like crazy about the medium, other photographers and good shows. I will probably do a bit of that as well but I think I will also include entries about my own ideas and questions regarding image making, my evolving effort to define my practice as a photographer and some of my writing. I will not promise to blog everyday as I want this to remain loose and fun rather than being another item on my daily to do list. With that said I look forward to seeing what accumulates over time.