
The PhotoCorps – Grant Ernhart from ricky montalvo on Vimeo.

A few months ago Ricky Montalvo interviewed me as part of his project called the PhotoCorps. These small films/slideshows highlight each photographer’s work and are then married with the audio which was the result of the interviews. The results are beautiful little windows into the creative process of each photographer as well as their thoughts on the medium. Currently, you can see the videos for Lisa Wiseman and Audrey Jones in addition to my video(which you can see above). Even with only three videos finished it is apparent how unique and personal the creative process can be and I think that diversity is fascinating. When you have a minute go and watch all the videos that are finished and check back periodically because I know there are more to come. Thanks Ricky!

Project 5


This week has been a great and busy one! I have been in the studio fine tuning my portfolio for the Project 5 Portfolio Review in New York City this coming weekend. I am taking the red-eye Friday night to the City and will spend Saturday with my sister who will still be there after a week of business and then the event actually happens on Sunday for most of the entire day. I am looking forward to my meetings with ClampArt, Amador Gallery and the Foley Gallery. I also hope to meet Sasha Wolf, who is another participating gallerist.

The only bummer in all of this is that for whatever reason I have come down with a raging cold! It came in like a lamb last Sunday morning with just a small scratchy throat, but it seems to enjoy living in my head and has not made any announcements about leaving. Cross your fingers that I will make a rapid recovery for my fun weekend!