Peter Doig
Comments: 0 - Date: March 31st, 2009 - Categories: Uncategorized

Lapeyrouse Wall, 2004 ©Peter Doig
Lately, I have been stumbling upon some painters that are making work that I find really beautiful, interesting and inspiring. One such person is Peter Doig. For many people his name will not be new, especially since in 2007 his work the White Canoe sold at auction for $11.3 million!

White Canoe, 1991 ©Peter Doig
In 2008 the Tate held a major retrospective of Doig’s work. On view were works from the beginning of his career at the end of art school all the way up to more recent works from the early and mid-2000s. What attracted me to Doig’s paintings were the way his subjects held together enough for me to understand the scene, but then it is always as if the image were about to shake apart. To me I feel this balance in tension is similar to the way memories exist. Memories for me have never been crystal clear, they generally are dim and a bit out of focus, almost more felt than seen, and to me Doig’s work reaches back and tickles that part of my brain. I also like that his work incorporates the unique geographies of his life. He was born in Edinburgh, then moved to Trinidad with his family as a child, later moving to Canada only to return to London, where he received his art education and now, he lives once again with his own family in Trinidad.

Man Dressed as Bat, 2007 ©Peter Doig

J.M. at Paragon, 2004 ©Peter Doig
According to various sources Doig creates many of his scenes from photographs, both his own and found imagery. In a November 2008, article in W magazine, Doig notes that the places he has lived and spent time often are incorporated into his works but generally only after he has moved on. He often depicts scenes from unusual angles, and incorporates strange color combinations and even has been said to bring in a sort of horror film perspective. These tactics all contribute to the heightened moment that Doig’s work exudes, just as our own memories try and hold on to moments of significance as well.

Architects Home in the Ravine, 1991 ©Peter Doig