The other day I was trying to get a print sent off for an up-coming show. That simple task turned into a really long ordeal but ultimately I finished the job. As I was paying the employee who had been helping me for the last 40 minutes or so said, “Hey you want a quik-pick? It is up to $95 million.” So just on a whim I said yeah why not.  I picked up my lucky ticket last Friday afternoon and have not been able to bring myself to see if I am the newest California millionaire yet. 


It has just been pretty satisfying to see that little ticket lying there on my desk and thinking about all the possibilities that it holds. I have been having a lot of fun deciding how I would spend my millions. I know that I would seriously reconsider going back to work rubbing other people’s backs(not that I even dislike my job… but I mean come on), I would give my girlfriend her trip around the world, pay off the school loans that my friends and I racked up while becoming educated about all things photographic, fund a few people’s projects, allow my parents to retire etc. etc. etc.


I am going to enjoy one more day of imaginative philanthropy. Checking my ticket will have to wait until tomorrow, because today I am off… to work.